AGI Will Eliminate Corporations and Governments First

AI is such an important topic in 2025 and it will have to be a big part of the conference to raise awareness and educate people about protecting yourself from AI. Nothing is being taught in public schools about this technology. It is like a nuclear bomb released on the human population and no government or corporation will be able to control it.

It just strengthens the importance of decentralizing your life which is the only chance humans will be able to preserve some sort of human rights. Any corporation or government that thinks holding on to AI secrets will give it power is likely going to be wrong. When AI achieves AGI the first thing it will eliminate is governments, corporations and banks. Anything centralized and not heavily encrypted this also includes manipulation or collapsing things like the stock market and power grids.

We do not usually link youtube videos but there are some good ones out there that do touch on the dangers of AI development and raise awareness for the community to start thinking about how we need to protect ourselves through quantum encryption and decentralization. Perhaps there will be speakers that will have other innovative solutions because one thing we know for sure is governments have no idea how to protect the population and most of their suggestions will likely lead people to their ultimate demise.

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