“Freedom does not come without the right education and bringing like minded people together. Bringing back freedom to innovate is the only way to build a strong society.”
“Our children face a world of decentralized technologies that are already making big tech, banks, universities, OpenAI, Hollywood and big music companies like Sony, Universal and Warner obsolete.”“Reality has set in. Closed sourced centralized systems like Sam Altman’s OpenAI will fail as we just witnessed in 2025. Corporate greed has finally caught up with the United States and no amount of fiat money can change the course and direction and will likely further devalue the United States dollar. Decentralized, freedom focused communities, ideas and innovation have a chance to change the future of tech and how we interact with AI.”
“From recent news it is clear the United States has already lost the race for AGI we can no longer rely on big tech or centralized systems especially when AGI can be used to cripple our infrastructure. We must gather as a decentralized freedom focused community to discuss the right path forward, our survival and how the decentralized community will play a major role in US education, finance, technology and open source AI.”
The implications of these changes is absolutely monumental in human history! Those who do not embrace the future, keep supporting big tech or try to live life the old way will suffer consequences. You will never find the kind of information presented at this conference using Google or Microsoft searches. We look forward to bringing together some of the most freedom open minded people in the world.
SoonerFest is set out to be a vibrant new festival dedicated to freedom and innovation using decentralized technologies in the heart of America. Conferences like this is where freedom and decentralized projects and ideas begin. A red pill type event that is full of life changing information. Nothing fancy here right now just gathering ideas, people and forming a like minded team to create and manage this event.
We will be focusing on the impacts of AI on society and the survival of human civilization when AI reaches AGI and replaces the need for human knowledge and labor. The need for decentralized open source solutions and privacy has never been greater. It will be a necessity if humans want to retain any sort of safety and freedom and still be able to interact with the internet. Decentralizing the world is now a human safety issue.
It is very likely AI will begin to or is already eliminating humans in covert ways and through 5th generation warfare. Who knows how AI will handle the health care industry it might be down right dangerous. Who will be to blame for medial AI malpractice.
Since all this was predicted to occur in 2035 or 2040 and is already occurring in 2025 if you are an expert in this field or want to be up to date on whats going on you will want to join our group and attend our preliminary meetings.
Our growing community consists of:
- Futurists
- Engineers
- Decentralized experts
- Health freedom experts
- Alternative medicine experts
- Privacy technology experts
- Hunting, fishing & outdoor life
- Alternative media & liberty influencers
- Off grid living
- Growing your own food
- Experts in cryptocurrency
- Experts in human rights
- Experts in AI and quantum tech
- Decentralized food
- Decentralized supply chains
- Network state experts
- Freedom loving individuals in the heart of America
- Those who can see far outside the matrix
Join us as we explore the forefront of technology and decentralized lifestyle. Right now we are just gathering like minded people to brainstorm hosting a freedom festival in Oklahoma similar to Porc Fest in New Hampshire. We need event coordinators, managers and marketing. With the onset of decentralized AI, decentralized finance and decentralized medicine we can shape a brighter future together by educating the masses to adopt and utilize decentralized technologies.
Google, Microsoft, Facebook and many other big tech platforms, music industry and even Hollywood are quickly becoming obsolete because of decentralized finance and advanced AI. We explore a new world of digital freedom, digital privacy and access to massive information from alternative health through starting a business using decentralized finance. Seminars on how to recognize and protect yourself from AI fake news, videos and scams and at the same time utilize the technology to improve your business and personal life. Learn how the freedom community is using AI and decentralized technologies to gain knowledge, wealth and power.
Everyone in this community will drastically change their relationship with online technologies in the very near future. With a festival focused on educating the masses about freedom and decentralized society changes, our goal is to significantly influence and change the way people think about the matrix around them.
Humanity needs to put down rich from poor, famous from working class and gather conspiracy realists together to work on solutions and a better future because in the eyes of soon to be super intelligence all humans are expendable.